Hi! I’m Evelyn. I’m a creative strategist based in Brooklyn. I help brands craft their stories and become  
storytellers in their own right.  I have two decades of experience working with clients including Netflix, Spotify, Vogue, Sonos, and Fenty.  I  
 brand positioning, verbal identity, and full-stack content strategy and execution.  I've created chart-topping apps, viral social campaigns, Webby-winning newsletters, Fortune 500 company voice guides, celebrity podcasts, and a best-selling moisturizer (or, at least, I named it).  
 I hang out with my 
 Hedda, and write a weekly newsletter on internet culture called Surf City, which is read by execs at The New York Times, The Atlantic, and The Guardian.  I like my eggs over easy, my fonts sans serif, and my 

Choose your tone:


Content Strategy

For when: You need a plan but don’t know where to start, or your existing content is falling flat.

I’ll devise a custom, end-to-end strategy, rooted in research and analysis, that covers the channels you should show up on, the content you should be producing, and the roadmap to make it all happen.

Content Director for Hire

For when: You're ready to get things up and running.

I’ll work with your team to put your content strategy into action, recruiting and hiring talent, creating a seamless production process, ideating and executing concepts, setting KPIs, and tracking performance metrics.

Newsletter Consulting

For when: You want to launch a newsletter or need help growing subscribers for an existing one.

If you’re starting from scratch, I’ll create a winning strategy that includes platform recommendation, concept, voice, and content types. If your goal is optimization, I’ll conduct an in-depth performance audit and devise a go-forward plan based on both my findings and extensive knowledge of the landscape.

Brand Strategy

For when: You want to stand out in your category and win your customers.

I’ll lead a multi-step process that includes extensive research and custom workshops to help you arrive at a strategic positioning that feels authentic to your brand, unique to the market, and resonates with your customer.

Verbal Identity

For when: You need a compelling voice and guidelines to implement it across your brand ecosystem.

I’ll shape your brand’s voice and tone and map out rules for usage to ensure you speak clearly and consistently wherever you show up.

Not sure what you need?

Don't sweat it. Schedule a call with me and we'll figure it out together.






Worn out laptops


Excruciating papercut